The Protector S02 480p
IMDb: 7.5/10 || Size: 1GB || Language: Hindi
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Creator: Binnur Karaevli
Stars: Çagatay Ulusoy, Ayça Aysin Turan, Hazar Ergüçlü
Given mystical powers by a talismanic keepsake, a young man embarks on a quest to fight shadowy forces and solve a mystery from his past.
The Protector S2E01 480p - 119MB
The Protector S2E02 480p - 114MB
The Protector S2E03 480p - 122MB
The Protector S2E04 480p - 148MB
The Protector S2E05 480p - 130MB
The Protector S2E06 480p - 150MB
The Protector S2E07 480p - 141MB
The Protector S2E08 480p - 138MB
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